Sunday, April 4, 2010

Not In Vain...

Mom was discouraged. And when she voiced it to anyone other than me, they brushed her aside. I watched as others were given credit for doing her job (as a mother and more) and her protests were ignored. I saw the tears that filled her eyes when no one listened. So many phony sentiments being passed around to those who deserved nothing, while she was passed over . So many benefited from her love, and so few ever gave it back or acknowledged her. She didn't want fame or fortune, just credit for her hard work. The hard work she did alone. No one helped her raise her children. No one helped her feed and clothe them or put a roof over their heads. No one but her shared her children's pain and sorrow and wiped away their tears. My mother gave her life's blood only to be forgotten by so many who could have given back. It would have cost them nothing to at least acknowledge it was her efforts that helped them to succeed. All they had to do was give her credit. But instead they turned their backs and acted like she never mattered. Where would they all be now, were it not for the love and hard work that she gave so freely? But I knew, and I still know... So on this Easter continue your empty diatribe, pretend to know what God is all about, and ignore the fact that what you say is phony, no one really pays attention anyway, right? Wrong. "Empty words from empty hearts won't heavens passage buy..." Maybe someday you will give to those who really matter, not to those you do not matter to. And then what my mother tried to teach you will not have been in vain...


  1. You're such a beautiful writer. Thank you for sharing your Mom

  2. She was in-deed a woman who raised the bar for all women. My heart broke again reading this, felt like I was experiencing her passing all over again. She would always read to me and this poem is truly her whispering to me:

    Do you know that your soul is of my soul such a part,
    That you seem to be fibre and core of my heart?
    None other can pain me as you, dear, can do,
    None other can please me or praise me as you.
    Remember the world will be quick with its blame
    If shadow or stain ever darken your name.
    “Like mother, like son” is a saying so true
    The world will judge largely the mother” by you.
    Be yours then the task’ if task it shall be,
    To force the proud world to do homage to me.
    Be sure it will say, when its verdict you’ve won,
    “She reaped as she sowed. Lo! this is her son.”
